
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Christian Pastor to Be Executed This Week in Iran

Just days after Iran released two Americans accused of spying in Iran, an Iranian court has upheld the apostasy conviction and execution sentence of Christian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani.

The 11th branch of Iran’s Gilan Provincial Court has determined that Pastor Nadarkhani has Islamic ancestry and therefore must recant his faith in Jesus Christ. Iran’s supreme court had previously ruled that the trial court must determine if Pastor Youcef had been a Muslim before converting to Christianity.

However, the judges, acting as terrorists, who have a hostage, demanded that he recant his faith in Christ before even taking evidence. The judges stated that even though the judgment they have made is against the current Iranian and international laws they have to uphold the previous decision of the 27th Branch of the Supreme Court in Qom.

When asked to “repent” by the Judges, Youcef stated, “Repent means to return. What should I return to? To the blasphemy that I had before my faith in Christ?” The judges replied, “To the religion of your ancestors, Islam.” To which he replied, “I cannot.”

Read the rest here.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Lookie What I Got!

A month ago, I started working out with Biggest Loser DVDs from the library.
I really like the fact that (1) Bob Harper wears a t-shirt and shorts; no sports bras or bare midriffs, (2) He doesn't use profanity on the DVDs, so my kids can work out with me, and (3) I can customize my workout with all the options on the DVD, so I don't get bored with it.
A few weeks ago, my neighbor threw out a pair of dumbbells, which I quickly snatched up and I've been working out with them ever since.
After borrowing the workout DVDs from the library a couple of times, I ordered my favorite one
from Amazon, using the gift cards I earned with my Swagbucks.
Have you got a bargain brag? Do share!

Friday, September 23, 2011

WWJD re: Homeschooling? Part 3

The false and dangerous notion that a public school education is actually "neutral" ought to be silenced by the plentiful research showing that government schools are in inculcating about 9 out of 10 children to think like Marxist-socialists. Dr. R.C. Sproul reminds us, "There is no such thing as a neutral education. Every education curriculum has a controlling worldview behind it and through it." The curriculum in our public schools is far from being neutral.

Parents, may we learn from the Teacher and obediently embrace His model and method for training the disciples God has placed under our roofs. When Jesus taught His closest disciples, they often sat at His feet (Luke 10:39). When it comes to parenting, the most effective and positive life-changing teaching happens at our own feet. By sending them away for 180 days a year, someone else takes over the privilege of teaching, modeling and investing about 1,100 hours per year into your children's lives.

Jesus knew that the best way to train His "children" to become what He wanted them to be was to live with them, love them, sacrifice for them, model the godly life and invest His life into theirs. This all happens within the context of the family. Dr. Voddie Baucham's words are a good reminder to us all of this fact: "God has designed your family – not the youth group, not the children's ministry, not the Christian school, but your family – as the principle discipling agent in your children's lives. "

The question is not What Would Jesus Do with His "children"? But what did Jesus do with His "children." He homeschooled them.

See full article here.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Value of Good Friends

I am really blessed with good friendships. Friends who will call and ask forgiveness for saying something gossipy or for making a joke they shouldn't have. Friends who will lovingly and graciously let me know when I have said or done something I shouldn't have, as a Christian. Godly friends who build me up in my faith.
These kinds of friendships are precious.

There are many of those friends who you find always complaining about something or who it is just easy to be negative with. When you say something about your tacky mother-in-law, they sympathize with you and tell you how awful that is instead of pointing you to scripture and encouraging you to keep on being a blessing. Those friendships are a dime a dozen and they are not worth pursuing.

When you find a friend who is "iron sharpening iron" for you (Prov. 27:17), invest in their friendship. Don't let a week go by without checking in on them, asking how you can pray for them or finding ways to be a blessing to them. Most of all, stay in the Word of God so that you can build them up. That's what they need most from you. Not your words-- God's words.

You really do have to be a good friend to have a good friend. If you wait around for people to call you and pursue you, you will soon find yourself lonely and friendless.

Be a good friend.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A Mother Changes Her Mind About Having an Abortion

This is so awesome!!

This question popped up on Yahoo Answers:

Help pls! Would having an abortion for the 4th time be risky?

Am 21 years old and am not ready to keep it.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

Give it up for adoption!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please don't kill it! Please?!

I had a kid that I wasn't ready for at the age of 13! I gave him up for adoption.. and he's such a handsome kid! I AM SO GLAD.. I didn't kill him. He's an amazing young man.. and he is so smart!

Have you seen this new movie coming out? Watch it! It's crazy!
CLIP #1: 180 Trailer
CLIP #2: Pro-Choice to Pro-Life in Seconds

►"Abortion is Legal because babies can't vote!"
►"If it isn't a baby, then you aren’t pregnant, so what are you aborting?"
-Authors Unknown

►Did you know this?
In the U.S. If you destroy an Eagle's egg (that's an embryo) it is a federal crime punishable by more than 10 years jail time and a $250,000 fine. Destroy a human embryo and it is federally funded.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Big Savings: Toys

Baby toys are a dime a dozen. They are so easy to find used and cheap, there's just no reason to pay retail for them. Before hitting the toy store or even WalMart, check Craigslist, garage sales, or your local thrift store.
I bet you'll find what you're looking for and I guarantee you'll save plenty of money in the process!
Have you gotten a great bargain on baby stuff? Tell me about it!

Friday, September 16, 2011

WWJD re: Homeschooling? Part 2

Jesus, the master Teacher, certainly taught His disciples formally, but they also shared life experiences, traveling and breaking bread for a number of years together. He mentored them, modeled how to truly walk with God and ultimately trained them to be launched into the world for His glory. He encouraged them, He disciplined them, He rebuked them, and He loved them. Jesus invested His life into theirs and certainly did not send His "children" away to others for their education but "kept them" and "guarded them" (John 17:12) until it was time to send them into the world.

In a very real sense, Jesus homeschooled His apostles. Christian homeschooling looks a lot like how Jesus trained His own, and His "children" eventually went on to "turn the world upside down" (Acts 17:6)!

Today many Christian parents are waking up to the fact that no one can do a better job in training and discipling their children than they can. Just like Jesus, most Christian homeschooling parents are teaching their own, mentoring their own, spending quality time with their own, literally pouring their lives into their kids, instead of subcontracting virtual strangers to teach their precious children.

Jesus teaches us that truly effective discipling and training is done one-on-one, and it takes time and much sacrifice. Recent studies prove that Jesus' style of teaching is by far the most effective of any method, and the positive results are the proof. Dr. Brian Ray's research with thousands who were home-educated and now adults shows that less than 4 percent of homeschooled youth disown their faith by the time they reach their first year of college. This is literally the exact opposite of all the sobering research showing an approximate 90 percent rate of children from Christian families leaving the church by age 18. What a difference godly discipling makes!

This puts to rest the salt-and-light argument that many uninformed Christian parents use as an excuse to keep their kids in public schools. The overwhelming majority of children from Christian homes are being converted to an unbiblical worldview in the public school arena.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

7 Things: A Meme

7 things I can do:
1. Find a bargain.
2. Make bread. (This skill makes me very happy.)
3. Sew.
4. Spell.
5. Teach my children well.
6. Love my husband well.
7. Make my kids laugh.

7 things I cannot do:
1. Go to sleep w/ a head full of thoughts.
2. Knit or crochet.
3. A cartwheel. (Thankfully I'm rarely asked to.)
4. Make Excel spreadsheets.
5. Decorate a cake.
6. Messy crafts with children.
7. Sit still at home. (unless it's at the computer)

7 things I say most often:
1. Honestly!
2. You gotta be kidding!
3. We're leaving in 5 minutes.
4. Oh nuts, I forgot my _____. (Said after we're all buckled in the van.)
5. I need Maya.
6. Alright, listen up.
7. I love you, but no.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Utilities Savings: Your Hot Water Heater

Go check your hot water heater's settings. I'll bet it's set to hot or very hot. Sometimes, dishonest plumbers will set your new hot water heater to "very hot" in order to wear it out sooner, thus needing him again soon. If you find your hot water heater set that high and you aren't the one who set it there, find a new plumber.
Lower your temperature settings and see if you notice any difference. If you don't, lower them again.
I now have my set to "warm" and I haven't noticed any loss at all. And I LOVE the savings on my gas bill! I think you will too!

Friday, September 9, 2011

WWJD re: Homeschooling? Part 1

The Bible teaches us,

"Whoever says he abides in him [Jesus] ought to walk in the same way in which He walked" (1 John 2:6)


"Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ" (1 Corinthians 11:1)
Sixteenth-century pastor John Calvin referred to Jesus as the "Grand Model" for all Christians to follow and learn from. Jesus modeled so much for us during his earthly ministry. For example, He modeled how to pray, how to handle temptation, how to speak the truth in love, how to stand against evil, and how to really train and disciple others.

Christian parents should look at Jesus' life as the perfect example of how parents should train, teach and love their own little disciples – their children. It is interesting to note that Jesus, on occasion, publicly called His disciples "children" (Mark 10:24). Eighteenth-century Bible commentator John Gill noted "it was common with the Jews to call [their] disciples … 'children.'" When reading the gospels we get an intimate view of how Jesus discipled and loved His own "children."

Teaching – Jesus is the supreme "good Teacher" (Luke 18:18).
  • He taught His disciples daily (Luke 19:47);
  • He traveled all over the region with His disciples as they watched Him teach others (Luke 23:5);
  • other religious leaders recognized that Jesus was a teacher sent by God (John 3:2);
  • Jesus' apostles acknowledged that His teachings were the words of eternal life (John 6:68);
  • Jesus acknowledged He was their Lord and Teacher (John 13:14);
  • and even immediately after Jesus' physical resurrection, some of His followers continued to call him Teacher (John 20:16).

We see in Jesus' method of discipling three primary things: teaching, mentoring, and investment of time.

Mentoring – Jesus' teaching style was far more than just talk and passing on "head knowledge"; He lived the life for them to see and follow. His disciples saw Jesus often go away to pray on His own, which prompted them to ask how they, too, should pray (Luke 11:1). His apostles saw Jesus heal the sick, cast out demons, raise the dead and preach the gospel. Later, after years of pouring His life into them, Jesus then confidently sent them on the "Great Commission" (Matthew 28:16-20).

Time Investment – The disciples did not take a class with Jesus, nor did they spend a mere semester under Jesus' training; rather, they spent about three and a half years with Jesus, with no spring or summer breaks, no Christmas vacations. This was a 24-hour/365-day-a-year "course" taught by the greatest Teacher this world has ever known. Jesus knew that you had to devote quality time with people to really make a powerful impact on their lives. Dr. John MacArthur points out in his book "Twelve Ordinary Men," "[The disciples] could listen to His [Jesus'] teaching, ask Him questions, watch how He dealt with people, and enjoy intimate fellowship with Him in every kind of setting. … He graciously encouraged them, lovingly corrected them, and patiently instructed them. That is how the best learning always occurs. It isn't just information passed on; it's one life invested in another."

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

What Did He Say???

Go here to request an email notification when you can watch this movie free.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Two Important Questions

When your goal is to keep more money in the bank, always ask these two questions before making a purchase:

1. Do I need this?

2. Do I need this right now?

Money saved is money in savings.