
Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Never too old

I'm learning French! I figured out how to access Rosetta Stone foreign language program free through the library. I downloaded the program and now I can learn any language I want. How fun! The kids have been playing with it to learn Spanish, and I'm learning French. I figured it would help a lot with schooling. We've been reading a lot about Normandy and the history of France and I have no idea how to pronounce the names!
Now, when I'm reading Little Duke (about the young duke of Normandy) to them, I can at least sound like I know what I'm talking about. I was showing off for Kyle and said, "Look what I can say: Un garcon sous un avion!" He asked what that means and I translate: "The boy is under the airplane." Clearly, I'm learning very practical, conversational French.

If you haven't experienced Rosetta Stone, you simply must. It's quite addictive!


  1. I hadn't thought about seeing if our library had "Rosetta Stone"! Thanks for the idea. I just looked at the price and gulped and put THAT out of my mind!

    We are learning Spanish this year. Very helpful in being able to share the Gospel here in CA!


  2. Parlez vous Francais? Permettez mois de vous presente' mon amis, Ginger Clark. I would say "my daughter Ginger" but I don't know how! That's what two years of French got me!
    Love you!


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