"When [our children] are very young we encourage them to walk and talk. Sadly, when school begins, they are told to sit down and be quiet."
~Karen Andreola, A Charlotte Mason Companion pg. 113
This quote really resonated with me. I help teach children's church and recently the other teacher and I were brainstorming about the discipline issues we seem to have with the boys. Suddenly, I had a revelation - the real problem is with them sitting still and being quiet (a really difficult skill for a young boy). I realized that we were asking them to do something I almost never require of my children while schooling them. I read to them while they eat. I read to them while they fold laundry. I play audio books while they are stuck in their seat belts in the car. I read to them while they color, draw, do copywork.
They are taught how to sit quietly for the occasional times that require it, but I certainly don't expect it of them everyday. Is it any wonder that kids brought up on fast-paced "educational" tv shows/computer and video games are labeled hyperactive because they can't sit still in class?
This revelation gave me a lot of sympathy for all the schooled kids who, on Sunday, are being asked once more to sit and be quiet.
~Karen Andreola, A Charlotte Mason Companion pg. 113
This quote really resonated with me. I help teach children's church and recently the other teacher and I were brainstorming about the discipline issues we seem to have with the boys. Suddenly, I had a revelation - the real problem is with them sitting still and being quiet (a really difficult skill for a young boy). I realized that we were asking them to do something I almost never require of my children while schooling them. I read to them while they eat. I read to them while they fold laundry. I play audio books while they are stuck in their seat belts in the car. I read to them while they color, draw, do copywork.
They are taught how to sit quietly for the occasional times that require it, but I certainly don't expect it of them everyday. Is it any wonder that kids brought up on fast-paced "educational" tv shows/computer and video games are labeled hyperactive because they can't sit still in class?
This revelation gave me a lot of sympathy for all the schooled kids who, on Sunday, are being asked once more to sit and be quiet.
AMEN! My kids NEVER sit still. Making Max run around the house several times before having to concentrate on something helps a whole lot!