
Thursday, November 8, 2007


This is one of the biggest misconceptions about homeschool moms and/or big families: we corner the market on patience. Moms often comment, "Oh I don't have the patience for that!"

Patience is a fruit of the Spirit. It's the Holy Spirit's limitless patience that we have available. A lot of pastors jokingly say that we should never pray for patience because you're just asking for trouble. I think that's a bunch of bologna. Patience is a free gift. Patience is also a by-product of wisdom that God gives freely without finding fault. Patience is not something that falls on you if you're lucky or something you can run out of. Patience is there for the taking. If you find yourself feeling about to burst, pray. And ask the kids to pray too!


  1. Funny, I was just talking about you to my running partner this morning. I'm pretty sure I made you out to be a saint and I've never even met you. I have always said that patience was a gift that I didn't have. Though it seems to be getting better as a get older. I have also always told my children that we would kill each other if we homeschooled. I love them soooo much, but they need so much social interation, I know they would go crazy! I love reading your blog and your great ideas. Maybe some of your "excellence" and patience will rub off via keyboard or something!

  2. WOW, Diane, that's one heck of a compliment! You may comment any time. The cure for kids needing social interaction is to have more kids. LOL Mine honestly never get bored.
    Thanks for your overly kind words!

  3. You go with your Patience theology:) I hate it when people say asking for patience is asking for God is just waiting to drop a load of problems on us. God's much more loving!
    Oh, I tried the laundry for the kids and I think they actually like it. I put lady bugs on the dryer and washer and Mark has to jump up to reach, but he's a boy and loves to have permission to climb!

  4. I am finally realizing that WHATEVER I need God is my source and supplier. I am now praying more than never and finally asking for PATIENCE. I have noticed things are going so much more smoothly. Duh!!!


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