
Tuesday, January 1, 2008

A Book Meme

I've been tagged by Jill at Praiseworthy Things. If you're up to the challenge; tag, you're it!

1. One book that changed your life:

Shepherding a Child's Heart. This book changed my parenting & thus my life.

2. One book that you have read more than once:

Nonfiction: Shepherding a Child's Heart. Fiction: Sophie's Heart by Lori Wick.

3. One book that you'd want on a desert island:

It would have to be the Bible. I'd need a lot of encouragement and wisdom if I was on a deserted island.

4. One book that made you laugh:

Mary Poppins.

5. One book that made you cry:

Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers.

6. One book that you wish had been written:

A manual for my husband. (I'm stealing this answer from Jill - it seemed appropriate, especially for my dear hubby.)

7. One book that you wish had never been written:

Whatever it was, I didn't finish it, so I don't remember.

8. One book you are currently reading:

I'm just finishing up What She Left For Me by Tracie Peterson, an author a friend just introduced me to. So far, I'm impressed. Entertaining, but also convicting - my favorite type (aside from nonfiction of course).

9. One book you've been meaning to read:

I have a l o n g list of books I want to read, all of which I haven't purchased yet. Practical Herbalism, Raising Godly Tomatoes, ABC Herbal, Raising Maidens of Virtue, Nourishing Traditions (I've read parts of it; need to buy it and finish it), and Home-Making are at the top of my list.

ETA: I've now purchased and read all of these books. They were all well worth it!


  1. Look, I am the first to comment. The only book I have read twice is the Bible. I guess that is because I listen to most of my books now.


  2. Audiobooks are still books, Dad. If they aren't my kids have only read half the books they were supposed to this year!
    Could you think of a book you wish had never been written? That's an interesting and revealing question, I think.

    BTW, you're only Bubba to my kids. This is my blog. You may call yourself Daddy. XXOO

  3. Ginger, I did this on my site too, just now, so you can go visit mine. How does someone tag someone? Some of the lingo is new to me:)
    Love ya,

  4. I'll take that tag! I'll do it a bit later today.

    Audiobooks better count as books, or my husband will not have 'read' a book since high school! He does go through an audiobook every week or so!


  5. I highly recommend Home-making. It is SUCH a wonderful book. I hope you do not mind me hanging out on your blog. I find you a great inspiration. We are researching adopting a sibling set from Liberia in the next 1-3 years. I love reading about your families challenges and joys.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

    God bless...Angela (Angelbee on MOMYS)

  6. Thanks so much, Angela! Glad you dropped by, and I appreciate the recommendation!

  7. Fun! I didn't realize you had done this. I also have Home-making and Raising Maidens of Virtue on my list.


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