
Friday, January 11, 2008

Co-op Days

Today was the first day of our new homeschool co-op. We joined the Charlotte Mason Fine Arts Group so that we could accomplish those subjects that often don't get done: art appreciation, music appreciation, hymn study, nature study, poetry, and Shakespeare. The kids had a great time, learned a lot, and made new friends.
We started the day with prayer and hymn study. This month, we're discussing Amazing Grace. Very interesting history behind that great anthem!

Maya went on and on about her new best friends, who just love her cool hair-do! Maya is not shy, so it doesn't surprise me that she's "so popular" (her words). Isaac mostly talked about snack time, and Elena, ever the firstborn, detailed for me what she learned about Handel and Rembrandt. Chloe was mostly disappointed that they didn't get to do the self-portraits that were scheduled (ran out of time). I think she was looking forward to some quality mirror time.

My sister, Jamie, and I are in charge of the preschoolers. Unfortunately, Jamie ditched me claiming some sort of household epidemic or other such lame excuse. Regardless, I had a good time with my group of littles. We read a poem, a bunch of Mother Goose rhymes, a counting book, and one of our favorite classics: The Story of Little Babaji.


  1. I see that you guys are at Prestonwood for this group:) Glad you are in a co-op that you like. We start up next week--this is our last semester b/c of going to Russia in July. I don't think there are many co-ops in Russia! HA!

  2. Hey Ginger! We really miss you at book club! I didn't know you guys were at Prestonwood now! I'd like more info about your co-op. Can you email me about it?

    Julie C.

  3. How fun, and what a beautiful room! I'm new to your blog, a homeschooling mother of six.

    God bless you,

  4. We're not attending Prestonwood, but the co-op meets there.
    How'd you come out of the woodwork, Julie?! Have you been stalking my blog???


    Miss you all too, but I've started a CM book club with PEACH so it's quite a bit more geographically desirable. :)

  5. GInger,

    Loved the pics! Glad to hear they all had an enjoyable time!

    Greasy Joan (a poster here) is a Shakespeare fan! That's a character from his poem "Winter".

    "...greasy Joan doth keel the pot." :-)

    If you don't mind, I'd love for you to post those pics on the CM fine arts yahoo group. If you haven't already! Thanks for all you did. Maya, Elena, Isaac and Chloe were all PRECIOUS yesterday!!

    I'm sure Daniel was as well but I didn't see much of him. That's gonna change!! :-)



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