
Saturday, February 2, 2008

They Were So Fortunate

This is Nia, my friend, Angel's most recently adopted daughter. Nia is 8 years old and was adopted from Liberia, where she spent a large chunk of her life in an orphanage. Not an Acres of Hope orphanage, where our three were.
Nia has a lot of fears. A LOT of fears. She frequently wakes up in the night terrified and crying. Many mornings, the Pregont family is wakened before dawn with Nia turning on all the house lights to dispel her fears. The other day, Nia gave Angel a glimpse into her life in the orphanage:
"Mother Brown" used to beat children all over their bodies, including the face, and she, herself, was the recipient of such a beating on her backside. Mother Brown would tell children that the witches would come at night and carry the children up into the air to be sacrificed if they didn't obey. Nia told us about 2 children at the orphanage who were supposedly Witch Princesses and Witch Prince, the children of a witch.
After reading this post of Angel's, I was curious what my kiddos had been exposed to while in the orphanage. I do know that they learned a lot of Bible verses and daily praised the Lord at the Acres of Hope orphanage. I also know that Acres of Hope is run with much more love and integrity than most Liberian orphanages.

I asked Maya and Isaac: "When you were at the orphanage, did you ever hear about witches? Did they ever talk to you about witches?"
Maya, thoughtful, said: "Yes. They read us the story of Rapunzel and the witch who wouldn't let her out of the castle."
I waited quietly for more of the story.
I asked: "That's it? They didn't say anything else about witches?"

Maya, Isaac, and Daniel were truly protected. They were so fortunate to be in the care of Acres of Hope, Liberia. The Pregont family takes "adoption as a ministry" very seriously. They are showing Nia the love of Christ. Pray for them. . . and for Nia. To God be the glory.


  1. This is so true. I'm so thankful that our son is at the AOH orphanage. I'd rather he be home, though. : )

  2. Becky,

    Thanks for popping back in! I'll be praying for you kiddos. I felt the same way when our triplets were still in the orphanage - glad they're there, but wanted them home.



  3. Oh, this makes my heat break. So, so, very sad. This is something that only will take love and trust to help time heal these wounds. I'm sure this family has plenty of this and more. Too bad more can't be saved from this sadness. Makes me wanta fly over there and grab em all up and run home with them.

    Adding to my prayers list,


  4. We have felt led to use AoH for our future adoptions. This is so heartbreaking! How people can do this to the most vulnerable.

    God bless....Angela

  5. Wow! I am so glad that your kiddos were spared from this experience. I will pray for the other little one to heal completely.

  6. My heart ached when I read what "Mother Brown" did to those precious innocents!!!

    Not to be crass or ugly but it struck me that while all these kiddos need a loving home and are in desperate situations, those children at AoH need it less than the children at orphanages run by folks like " Mother Brown".

    I admire those of you who have opened your home and your hearts to these precious babes. I don't even have any adopted children or plans to adopt so please know I'm not trying to sit in judgment of any of you for adopting from AoH! Praise the LORD for that place!!! I was just so grieved to hear of Nia's story and to know there are so many others out there just like her!!! I hope the LORD raises up folks who are strong enough in their faith and spiritual maturity and have the right family dynamics to enable them to adopt from those other, bad orphanages and rescue some of those sweet souls!!!
    Let's all agree to pray for those children!!!


  7. It boggles my mind that anyone could look into the eyes of a child and say or do anything so evil.

    You bring up a good point. Since Mike and I would love to adopt one day, I am going to change the way I pray for the children God has for me. I will now pray that God will lead me to just the right orphanage to rescue our little ones.


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