
Monday, April 14, 2008

When The Cat's Away. . .

On the weekends, Kyle and I take turns sleeping in. (I am forced to acknowledge that Kyle did not approve of this statement. According to him, I get to sleep in both days.) He lets me sleep in on Saturday, and on Sunday I get up first and feed the kids while he sleeps a little later than usual. (Kyle says this never happens. Maybe he's right. I'll never admit it.)

So, what happens when Mommy's sleeping and Daddy's in charge of feeding the crew??Donuts for breakfast!
Lydia was thrilled with her messy donut. But when she found out that Mommy didn't approve of this sugary meal,
she was shocked! She was noticeably disappointed in Daddy and his lack of concern for their health. (Well, not really.)
Daniel didn't care if I approved or not, he just enjoyed his powdered donuts. You can see the twinkle in his eye. Oh wait! That's just the glazed look of a sugar high.
The Clark Kids LOVE Saturdays!


  1. ha ha ha ha!! your kids are great! those faces are priceless!

  2. John hardly gets to sleep in either, although I don't like to admit it!! That's funny that's exactly how you describe it!
    Fun donut faces!

  3. Hi Ginger....SURPRISE! I love to always read your blogs and have learned alot and am very interested in your herbal remedies. Was glad to see the kids covered in confectioners you well know, I have been a lover of sugar and chocolate all my life...the only bad part is now I show it! Keep up the good work. Hope this goes thru! Thanks and have a great week!

  4. Aunt Jeanne,

    Who doesn't love sugar and chocolate???

  5. Just so we're all clear on this, the whole donut thing RARELY happens. Also, they had a nice helping of oatmeal with their donuts.

    The Dad

  6. I love this post! I really miss the kids' pics in the margin of the blog! I like the new format, though!

    Oh, and just wait & see what they eat when they start babysitting each other!

  7. That is wonderful. You should ask Katie what the kids eat when she is away! :)

  8. oh Kyle, Kyle...the shame of it.


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