
Sunday, May 25, 2008

Subway Snubs Home Sctoolers!

Subway, the sandwich restaurant, wants to hear your child’s story – unless he or she is homeschooled.

The national chain’s "Every Sandwich Tells a Story Contest" offers prizes and a chance to be published on the Subway website and in Scholastic’s "Parent & Child" magazine but specifically excludes homeschoolers:

NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. Contest is open only to legal residents of the Untied (sic) States who are currently over the age of 18 and have children who attend elementary, private or parochial schools that serve grades PreK-6. No home schools will be accepted.

Subway’s website promotion not only misspells "United" States, but offers the grand prize winner a "Scholastic Gift Bastket for your home."

Genius! Perhaps they should have hired a homeschooler as their editor. Homeschooled students have a long history of winning the national spelling bee.

(And yes, the typo in the title was intentional.)


  1. Haha...I had heard about this, but your take on it was hilarious. Thanks for the chuckle.

    Maybe someday we'll become the RSA (The Re-tied States of America)

  2. ha, ha, those sillies!! i think they know our homeschoolers would smash the competition.

  3. I entered on behalf of my family. Here's our story:

    The smell of fresh baked bread coming from the store was so good that...our family was drawn toward it. We wanted to get sandwiches for lunch, but then we remembered that since we are homeschoolers, Subway doesn't want us in their restaurants. We turned and went to the Quizno's across the street for a delicious sandwich.

  4. AnonymousMay 26, 2008

    While I doubt Subway cares about homeschooling, I would imagine the contest sponsors are behind the homeschooling exclusion:

    Contest Sponsors:
    Scholastic Inc., 557 Broadway, New York, NY 10012
    SFAFT, 488 Wheelers Farms Road, Milford, CT 06461

  5. I sent subway a letter,as I hope others will.

  6. AnonymousMay 28, 2008

    Hey Ginger, thought you might want to know.....

    Subway apologizes to home schoolers

    May 28, 2008

    Dear Lori,

    Your efforts made a difference!

    Today, Subway apologized for excluding home schoolers from its "Every Sandwich Tells a Story Contest." AFA has verified a newly released apology from Subway by its partnering Scholastic public relations department.

    The apology reads:

    Regarding your concerns about the Subway contest that excludes home schools from contest eligibility, Scholastic and Subway apologize to all individuals who have taken offense at this. Our intention was never to make independent schooled children feel discriminated against or excluded from this specific promotion.

    Throughout the course of the year Scholastic runs a number of contests and sweepstakes that are open to all teachers and students. The eligibility of this contest in particular was solely put in place to award a large group of children with the grand prize of $5,000 worth of athletic equipment. We do however understand how home- schooled children could benefit from this type of prizing and will make sure eligibility is open to everyone in future promotions.

    We appreciate your feedback and will make sure a similar situation does not happen in the future.

    I want to thank you for taking time to contact Subway. AFA has thanked them on your behalf.

    Thank you for caring enough to get involved. If you feel our efforts are worthy of support, would you consider making a small tax-deductible contribution?



    Donald E. Wildmon,
    Founder and Chairman
    American Family Association


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