
Monday, August 25, 2008

Aim High, Girls!


School officials in Palo Alto are reconsidering their use of a popular speaker for an annual career day after he advised middle school students that they could earn a good living as strip dancers.

William Fried told eighth-graders at Jane Lathrop Stanford Middle School that stripping and exotic dancing could be lucrative career moves for girls, offering as much as $250,000 or more per year, depending on their bust size.

In defense, Fried said, "It's sick, but it's true, you can earn a tremendous amount of money as an exotic dancer, if that's your desire."

Read more here.


  1. You are of course kidding right?

  2. Ohh my reason 5,432,128 why I homeschool my kids. That is so sad that girls might actually be lured into doing this by promises of good money. Wow

  3. How awful!!

    Hey Ginger,
    Can I use your "101 Reason To Homeschool" banner?

  4. MotherOfBlessings,

    Don't copy the image. It's a link to their website. Otherwise, it's stealing. Email me ( and I'll give you the code.

  5. I have absolutely nothing to say about this...I can only shake my head in sorrow for those young people.


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