
Friday, September 5, 2008

Namecalling By the Teacher


Watch this video about a Texas school teacher caught yelling at 4 and 5 year olds by Texas parents who were told their daughter had behavior problems.
Despite the fact that this teacher is an educational "expert", that doesn't qualify her to teach children. Nobody loves your child like you do.


  1. Hmm....You know, this same behavior was commented on by my sons teacher. She kept telling us he had problems and some kind of disabilites yet, he attained high grades and never was given behavior cards for us to sign.

    I believed this was happening to him too, thus the reason for pulling him out this year and learning how to homeschool. His behavior has improved drastically and he is so much happier.

    Thanks for the encouragement to homeschool. Your right, I can do it. And I'm enjoying it too!


  2. This is shameful. Did you hear what McCain said last night? We need to identify and reward GOOD teachers and find other jobs for BAD teachers! That teacher should have been fired on the spot with no option to be rehired - anywhere.

  3. That was very hard to listen to! I can't imagine the parents poor hearts as they heard their daughter berated.

    I do have to say that in all the years I worked in public school classrooms, I never heard any teacher speak this way to the children. They did complain about certain students in the lunchroom, but not to the child's face.

  4. Wow, what an eye-opener!

  5. So glad I homeschool now. Our old school district has teachers like that when I was a student and now has them for the students of today. This is one of the reasons why we pulled them.

  6. So sad...

    I really love that website - 101 Reasons. It really answers the question, "What's so bad about public school?" I'm sure there are many great teachers there, but you never know when your child will good a bad one. Just 1 like the one in that video is 1 too many.

  7. Ginger,

    I listened to the recording and I have to say, after having taught in primary and secondary schools... those comments were so MILD in comparison to what I'd hear other teachers saying to kids on a regular basis.

    I even substituted for a special ed class that was team taught by a group of 3-4 specialists. They had big plastic mesh bags they'd zip the autistic kids into when they were acting out. They said they had permission to do that--but I found that highly suspect. I couldn't imagine any mother being okay with her 6-year-old zipped into a bag.

    If parents REALLY knew what was happening inside schools on a regular basis, they'd never even think about sending their kids there.

  8. Recently Q told me that when in preschool (also in TX) the teachers brought over the class pet taranchula to his cot and told him if he didn't sleep they were going to put it on his bed :( He finally told them he was going to tell him Mommy and they stopped.
    The most sad part to me, was that his mom was at home and just decided it was better he be in daycare during the day. Not quite sure how that's better...


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