
Monday, October 27, 2008

Amazing Stuntboy

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it! Daniel has this tiny little bike that he loves and this past weekend, Isaac decided to take the training wheels off.

We weren't forewarned about this. Instead, 15 minutes later, Isaac called us to come see what he taught Daniel to do.
Daniel will be 4 years old next April. He's the youngest Clark ever to learn to ride a bike.


  1. Jacob was three when he learned to ride a bike without training wheels. Now ya gotta think up something else to say your better at than us Bettendorfs. ;)


  2. That looks like more than just riding to me! Is he doing stunts already??

  3. Horray for Daniel!!!

  4. That's really amazing!! What to go for him and what a teaching break for you guys!!!

  5. Wow. Mariah was 8 before she even wanted to try. :)

  6. Good job, Daniel!! He'll probably be naturally athletic. My son Jack is, too. Anything you put before him, he does in just a few minutes of practice.

  7. There's just something magical that happens between boys and anything with wheels - the faster the better! Great job, Daniel!


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