
Thursday, November 20, 2008

Keeping Warm

It's almost getting cold enough to turn on the heater, but we haven't yet. We've just been dressing warmer. Some more than others. Maya seems to be always be colder than the rest of us.
Case in point:
Now, you remember my saying that Maya can do anything in flip-flops? (That's a Liberian thing.) Well, she's having a
letting them go now that the weather's getting colder. Let them go, Maya. Let them go.

If this ever happens again, we may have to have a family intervention.


  1. OOOOOHHHH-socks with flip flops, yikes!

  2. Really? You haven't turned on the heater? We have several times! I really dislike being cold. The socks with the flip flops are so funny. I share in the love of flip flops with Maya. But when I wear mine my toes just freeze, I don't do the sock thing.

  3. Maya would probably love these

    I have been wearing mine a lot lately, a little pricey, mine were a gift though.

  4. Maya, I am always cold, too.

    We do the same thing! We are in warm socks and slippers, sweat shirts, sweat pants, having homeschool under blankets, and drinking hot chocolate on cold mornings. Then we have days when it is 80 and we are listening to Christmas music. LOL Gotta love this Grand State!

  5. oh my! Well I must say I have a cousin that hails from Illinois and Toe Socks are what she wore in the winter to hold on to those flip flops longer!

  6. ROFLOL on the flip-flops!!!!!

    Maybe it's an age thing. I'm about to hide my oldest son's sandals so he can't wear them when it's 30 degrees outside. And, yes, he wears them with socks and it looks so goofy.

    Now, cute wool socks with Birk sandals would be ok.


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