
Friday, January 23, 2009

How We Birthday Around Here

Twice a year, we have a big birthday bash- the Spring Fling and the Fall Fest. Between my sister's family and mine, we celebrate all the spring birthdays at one, and all the fall birthdays at the other. After the first year of doing birthdays this way, Kyle felt that we needed to somehow celebrate the birthday kid's special day other than just saying: "Happy Birthday!!" So we started this new tradition: on their special day, the birthday kid gets to choose one friend to celebrate with. We give them a choice: Chuck E Cheese or Jump Town. Elena vaccilated for several months about where she wanted to go and who she wanted to go with. In the end, she chose her best friend, Sophie, my friend Gretchen's daughter.

Sophie is a year younger than Elena. My blondies are short, I tell ya!

So, after spending a little over $30 for this experience, which the girls were tired of after 20 minutes (girls don't like to sweat apparently), I decided this tradition needed some revising.

After we'd been there for 45 minutes, with me encouraging them to "go back and play" several times, Sophie asked Elena: "Can we go back to your house to play?"

That confirmed my plan. Next time around, the birthday kid will decided who they want to spend the day with and they can play together all day at our house (or the park) and we'll take the two out to eat somewhere fun. Less cost, which you know I love, and more quality time together. I wish I'd thought of it a year ago!


  1. great idea. this is a great way to celebrate birthday's since all of my kids are born in February. so i have one question, does this place have a lightning mc queen car? it looks like it in one of the pictures, i think i saw a tire that looks like the car. i think isaac (my isaac) would love this place.

  2. Thanks for the post. As are family keeps getting larger I'm looking for better ways to celebrate birthdays without breaking our budget and yet make it special.


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