
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Daniel Pulled a Tooth

Notice I did not say he lost a tooth. He didn't. It wasn't loose, it wasn't wiggly. He pulled it. Why would he pull a tooth, you ask? Because he had a bead stuck on it! Duh!
Look at the size of that tooth! Good grief!
Kyle and I are frequently looking at each other and asking: What was he thinking??
He scribbled on Kyle's car with a brick. He poured body oil on the floor in room. (Thankfully, we have hardwoods.) He came out of the public bathroom with soapy hands. He lathered up. He just forgot to wash the soap off. (He did flush though, which was no minor miracle.)
I keep waiting for the day Daniel sticks a bean up his nose.

Lord, give me grace.


  1. My dd did this when she was little but it was because her older sisters were loosing teeth! It had a root just like his!!

  2. Lori in KYApril 29, 2009

    My son (when he was 5) put a K'Nex piece in his nose. We could see it with a flashlight, but couldn't get it with tweezers. We took him to the ER, got him signed in & triaged. About that time, he sneezed! Out came the K'Nex piece and home we went. So, if Daniel DOES stick a bean in his nose, just get some pepper & make him sneeze. :)

  3. WOW!! That tooth is so long! How did he get a bead stuck on it?

  4. Oh my goodness! I see that he is smiling in the picture you have, did it hurt him at all when he pulled it out?

    Ginger, just remember the unique things our children do and say is what keeps us young, LOL! (At least that is what I keep telling myself...) Like when I found wrappers from candy and sore throat drops mixed in a toy bucket. I was all ready to remind the children that garbage goes in the garbage can, and toys in the toy buckets, when my two oldest informed me that the wrappers were Playmobil people blankets. Come on Mom, they didn't have _any_ blankets at all. They were cold at night and not at all comfortable. Have a heart. (Oh brother.) I was waiting for the playmobil people to drag out tiny violins to play. :D

  5. That boy will have you running and wondering for years to come, I think. He is cute, though!!

  6. I stuck a bean up my nose!!! ha! But my teeth were never that long! I think I poured shampoo all over the bathroom floor too...never scribbled on a car, but did on my wall with a penny! My kids do the soap thing.
    Fun stuff! Grace be upon you too!!

  7. Jeff, I've said it before and I'll say it again. You use too few words. :)
    He needs the GAP diet? This happened because he's on the GAP diet? What are you saying??

  8. Jenni, yes it hurt quite a bit. He cried for awhile. It took pliers and quite a bit of muscle to get the tooth out of the bead so that I could take that picture!

  9. That's not a tooth. That's a fang!! I'll say this though, both of my boys are tough.

  10. My daughter worked for a good hour one afternoon and pulled a tooth before it was time. The other adult tooth wasnt ready to come down so she had a cave/gap for over a year, dont mean to scare ya but she now has some crowding issues where she pulled that tooth because she pulled it early. She is tough and persistant, last time we went to the dentist they asked if she wanted the gas for pain and she replied *No, I want to feel the pain*. Me and the dentist were cracking up.


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