
Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Hi, My Name is Ginger

. . . and I'm an internet addict. Sometimes I think I hear the computer calling to me: "There's new and interesting information over here. C'mere. Come heeeeerrrrrreeeee!"
So, I have solved this problem with an internet filter. I searched high and low for a filter that would do all I wanted it to do and then came back to the free one. K9 Web Protection.
I enter in the websites I always want access to (my email, my homeschool planner, and my blog) and the websites I always want to block (forums and social networking sites (i.e. Facebook) which suck up too much of my time). It's been great!
On the weekends, I tell it that I want the option of overriding those effects, so I can waste a little time on Facebook if I so choose, but during the week, I don't allow myself that option. I can even tell it to shut down the internet at bedtime.
Hey, we do what we have to do!


  1. Does that mean you won't read my blog anymore?

  2. :? You haven't had a blog for quite a while, Jeff.

  3. Oh Ginger, I may just need to give this a try! I, like you, am an admitted internet junky that hear's it calling my name multiple times a day. Thanks for posting it, I'm going to check it out!

  4. You mean I'm not the only one???
    I use this same filter but I actually went a step farther. I set it up using time restrictions. This way it only comes when twice a day for 30 minutes. Then I had a friend put in a password so that I cannot just put in the password and have more time. It does have its inconveniences but mostly, it has been a huge blessing.

  5. Hmmm, I may need to look into that. Thanks for sharing about it. I did give up the laptop at bedtime though. That was hard!

  6. Hey, I've got an internet filter! It's called my mom. ;)


  7. So, how does she keep ads with bikini-clad women from showing up on your computers?
    Internet filters do not negate the need for supervision, they are there to literally filter what can and cannot show up on the screen. As a mom, I can't do that.

  8. Aww. rats. I need that bedtime shut off thing too. I didn't know where to get one before, but now I know...

  9. Thanks Ginger! I've downloaded this, and set it to allow me two hours in the day, and a couple of hours after the kids go to bed, I am so guilty of spending far too much time, doing very little on the computer, so this is a good way to remind myself to get off!

  10. I don't go to web-sites with ads or pictures of bikini-clad women. I only visit the sites my mom says I can, so in that way she's my internet filter. :D



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