
Monday, June 15, 2009

Redeem the Time

It has been heavy on my heart lately that I don't have much time with my Maya left. She's almost 12 and I can easily see her marrying young. When I am sick, she runs the household. She cooks half our dinners single-handedly. She's a very trustworthy sibling-sitter; the littles respect her when she gives direction. My mom recently said that when she has all six at her house, it's not difficult because Maya keeps them all in line. She said: She opens her mouth to say something to Lydia and Daniel, but it's Ginger's words I hear.
She has been a quick study in child-training; I know she will be a great mommy one day. I trust she will know better than my generation who were taught that we should wait to have kids until after we've been married several years and have developed more selfishness, I mean: a "good foundation". What a crock!
As confident as I am in Maya's skills as a future keeper of the home, I am just as concerned about our relationship. I love and enjoy her so much, but does she really know that? When I correct her attitudes, do I do it with gentleness or does she hear criticism? Will she confide in me when she has something more serious than a scabbed knee to talk about? Does she recognize the pride in my eyes when I look at her or are my words more effective?
Lord, give me discernment to know how my kids need love. Give me the humility to be deliberate in my love for them. And please, oh please, let them all live within a ten mile radius of home when they grow up.


  1. This one made me cry because I could of written it about my 11 almost 12 year old boy....I too am feeling a bit of panic about how little time I have left with him.....

    Lord help us to redeem the time.

  2. Ginger, this is so timely for me. Mark and I were just talking about this with our 10 year old. She is also the oldest, and quite responsible. I worry about the same thing, like I don't have a truly deep relationship with her. I'm not sure how to make the leap from "trainer" to "confidant". I just hope that I can steal those moments away to let her know just how much I love her and how special she is to me.

  3. When Morgyn was around this age I got her a notebook that was to be shared just between us..if she had any ???? for me @ all she could write me a note & put it under my pillow & I would answer her & put it back under her pillow..I can't tell you how many amazing conversations we had..we still have this notebook & have read thru it together MANY is very special to both of us...just thought it might be something you could try w/ Maya...

  4. Great idea Danya!
    Maya sounds like a wonderful person. I have the same thoughts about my 13 year old.

  5. Now you finally understand why I cried when you and Kyle said you were moving to OKC. You thought I was crazy and silly. I think you and all your children will remain close. You are so good at developing their individual skills and personalities. I'm certain Maya sees the love in your eyes and in your voice. Just keep praying, Mama.

  6. This really touched my heart, I needed this reminder. Thank-you. I pray the same prayer, :)


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