
Monday, February 22, 2010

Baby in the House

Julia is 6 weeks old now and I must say I'm enjoying her more every day. The fact that she's sleeping 5 and 6 hours at a stretch at night probably has something to do with it. I actually keep my eyes open while nursing her in the middle of the night now. lol
Julia seems to be breaking the Clark pattern of growth. She is over 10 lbs now and 24". Four inches in 6 weeks- that is fast growth for a Clark. She's clearly not looking to Chloe as an example.
A day in the life:
Julia wakes up around 7am. I nurse her and we both go back to bed. Sometime while we're sleeping, the rest of the kids wake up and start on their schoolwork and chores. When we wake up again at 10am, the big kids and the littles are doing seatwork. (That's math and handwriting for the big kids; coloring and drawing for the littles.) Then they all plop on the couch and have quiet reading time. More on this later.
When schoolwork and chores are done, we all fight over who gets to hold Julia. This goes on until naptime, which happens right after I read to all the kids on the couch. (We're currently reading The Runaway by Patricia St. John and I highly recommend it.)
I'm so enjoying our days with a newborn. Elena said: I'm so glad we have a baby in the house. It's just so great having a baby sister when I'm a big kid.
She summed up everyone's sentiments very well.


  1. I LOVE this picture. I hope you don't mind if I copy you!

  2. oh! how I miss so deeply the wonderment of a baby!! you are so blessed! I have got to get myself over there and hold that precious little girl.

  3. Very sweet. Fantastic picture idea!!!

    Debbie (momys)


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