
Monday, May 10, 2010

Satirical Video that's Entirely True

"Sunday's Coming" Movie Trailer from North Point Media on Vimeo.

We visited a church like this once. . .and only once.


  1. My husband emailed me that video a few days ago. It is sooo true! My mom and her husband go to a church just like this! I always feel totally uncomfortable there. Thankfully we only see them a couple times a year. lol

  2. I feel kind of bad saying that's funny because it's really a tragedy that THAT is exactly what so many people look for and desire on Sunday morning! I can't wait to show my husband.

  3. And don't forget the coffee shop outside the sanctuary where you can get a cinnabon and latte. {eyeroll}

  4. I laughed through this video a couple of days ago! But it's sad, too. Found your blog thru Challies' blog!


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