
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Book Reviews: the Good and the Not-So Good

In his new book, Max Lucado uses the Book of Acts to challenge Christians to make the most out of our lives by making a positive difference in the lives of others. Adopt, feed the hungry, give to the poor, care for the homeless, etc. I was very excited about this book and kept waiting for the bottom line: share the gospel with those you are ministering to. But in the chapter with that exact theme, Lucado misses the point entirely. He reduces evangelism to telling people that Christ died for their sins. That's the good news, only if you first know the truth of the bad news: you are a sinner. Nowhere does Lucado suggest pointing out to sinners their true state, although it is clearly how Jesus witnesses every single time. I was so eager to praise this book and was so very disappointed. The goal of this book was to remind us all that we are called to be servants in Christ and we can all make the most out of our lives. But unless our ultimate goal in serving is to share the true gospel of Christ, "all our good deeds are like filthy rags". (Isaiah 64:6)

The book that changed Kirk Cameron's life and led him to join forces with Way of the Master ministries, is changing my life as well. This book is will open your eyes in a way that will make you ask: How did I miss this?!
If you are dismayed by the overwhelming number of so-called Christians who are turning away from the faith, this book will give you the reason and a hope for change. If you want to share the gospel with unsaved friends and family, but are afraid of rejection, this book will give you the encouragement you need. If you aren't sharing your faith at all, you desperately need this book. It will change your life.
I cannot recommend it highly enough. Truly.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. OK, on your recommendation, I have ordered Ray Comfort's book. I threw in "The Way of the Master" too, just for fun!


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