I've recently discovered:
- if you leave an earthworm in a box of dirt for a month, it really stinks
- if you leave a diaper on a baby for too long, you have to peel it off
- poetry is far easier for kids to memorize than math facts
- sarcasm is a hard (and really bad) habit to break
- when you stay home a lot, you save a lot of money
- I don't like staying home a lot
- the library has almost everything I want to read
- emailing InterLibrary Loan requests makes me very happy
- Vision Forum sales get better and better the closer Christmas gets
- Vision Forum's deal of the day was a genius marketing strategy
- I wish I'd thought of it
- I have a compulsive desire to make people think my life is easier than it really is
- homeshooling 7 children is hard; no matter what I tell you
- God's grace is always sufficient, but I have to ask for it first

Thank you for this post Ginger! Sometimes I was chuckling and sometimes saying hmmm...wow. That last one especially...Thank you. I need to ASK for it.
ReplyDeleteHilarious! The same thing happens if you leave your captured ladybug in a container with fresh leaves too long. The leaves grow mold, and the whole thing stinks...literally.