
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Finicky Bath Baby

After weeks of giving Julia turbo-speed baths with her wailing the entire time (while her siblings filed in one at a time each crying in sympathy, wondering what kind of bath torture device I was using on their sweet innocent sister), I finally came up with a solution!

She didn't cry. She didn't wail. My little bathroom didn't transform into Grand Central Station.

It was bliss. It was wonder. I was to-ta-lly thuh-rilled!

Something about that face makes me think she enjoyed having Chloe hold her while I bathed her.


  1. Looks like Chloe had fun too! :)

  2. That little chunky monkey is getting so big! What a great idea and I'm sure Chloe enjoyed it as much as Julia did!

  3. SO cute! And you are so smart! Our Littlest Guy hated baths until recently and I never thought of having an older join him.

  4. Good idea! My daughter had that same swimsuit. They lasted two years before being outgrown. The ones that could be passed down made it one more year before getting too thin.

  5. Chloe to the rescue! Way to go!!

  6. This! is adorable. I have 3 little boys that I throw in the tub together, saves so much time!


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