
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A New iPad (& More) Giveaway!

Remember this sweetie?
Well, I finally have good news! She is being adopted!

And this precious girlie is also being adopted!

But this adorable boy? He isn't being adopted. (Yet!) In fact, not a single inquiry has ever been made for him. This breaks my heart. I hope it breaks yours too. When our hearts are broken, we are motivated to act.
And act we must.

Patti, who hosted the big giveaway for Olga, which resulted in over $12,000 being donated to her adoption grant, is hosting another GIGANTIC giveaway. And I mean GIGANTIC! Look at all you can win by donating to these sweet children.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful news for Olga. She really tugged on my heart strings... and we inquired since we feel called to adopt again, but her country won't consider us. We took that as God shutting the door for us, but she remained on our heart in a big way... so we prayed fervently for her family to find her in time.


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