I had coffee the other night with a friend and we were practically the only ones in the shop. A little later, two couples came in and while the men ordered drinks, the women sat down. Right next to my friend and I. Remember the whole shop is empty except for us. The men got a big kick out of their wives' choice of tables and were joking with us about it. One man asked if we were teachers. Strange question. My friend says: "Well, yes. " The guy explains that both of their wives are teachers and that must be what drew them to us.
My friend says: Well, we teach our own children. We're homeschool moms.
The guy laughed and said: You're not real teachers then.
It was all in good humor (I think) and we just laughed back. But as I sat there, I was suddenly overcome with pity for these women as I realized their situation for what it is.
They send their children off to be taught by someone else's mom, while they go and teach other people's children.
I was so sad thinking about it. They'd been lied to by the world just like I had been once upon a time. I thought I needed an expert to educate my children. If you are literate, you can teach your children. The experts rely on books and answer keys. Are you not capable of doing the same?
Don't let society lie to you and take precious time away from your family. My children are growing up so fast, my heart hurts. And I'm not even missing any of it! I can't imagine all that mommies miss when their kids are with "experts" all day. :(

Isn't that interesting that they said that? I could not imagine not being with my children every day, all day. Even on the bad days.
ReplyDeleteSo, if you're not real teachers, then are they real moms?
ReplyDelete1st- Your family is beautiful! Truly God's blessings abound in your home.
ReplyDelete2nd- You are SO correct. I WAS a classroom teacher for years before my first child was born. I thought homeschoolers were nuts. Well...they are. But, we are nuts in a good way. I could NEVER give the children in my classroom the education that I can give the children in my home. I taught my heart out every day, and came home so defeated that I couldn't give those children what I knew they needed. I CAN give my children what each one needs...all 4 different little learners get 4 different little lesson plans, and it works!
3rd- You are amazingly correct about who can teach. My homeschool mentor, the woman I go to when I am discouraged or need advice, does not have a college degree. Yet, she is an amazing teacher/mom. Her heart is so into the education of her children that 2 of her children, who have severe learning disabilities and would be lost in the system in public school, are performing at and/or above grade level. GO MOM!
Preach it, sister!
ReplyDeleteLOL at Lori in KY's comment! I need to remember that comeback...
ReplyDeleteSO true!
ReplyDeleteLove Lori's comment!! So, did you get a chance to say anything to the women during the time your spent near them?
ReplyDeleteI think we've all believed this lie at one time or another...maybe more than once. The voice of the world is so deceptive and if we listen too closely, we begin to doubt...
ReplyDeleteIt's all about keeping my eyes on Jesus and remembering that His Word SAYS that I AM to be the one to teach my children. It's not a suggestion...it's a command!
Thanks for the great post!
MoM, honestly I didn't want to. I wanted to have fun w/ my friend. Just keeping it real.
ReplyDeleteOur Family Vision,
ReplyDeleteDeut 6:6-9
I have a hard time figuring out how anyone could interpret it differently. :)