
Friday, April 29, 2011

DVD Review: Unplanned & A GIVEAWAY

I was excited to get the documentary Unplanned after reading this terrific book detailing the other side of the abortion industry: how well-intentioned women end up deceived by the corporation and doing the very thing they vowed they'd never support. (I reviewed the book here.)
The book is definitely more detailed. For instance, I was disappointed in how the documentary glazed over medical abortions, not sharing the horror stories of the women who've experienced them. That part of the book was very eye-opening to me. Never before had I considered the horrible physical pain it causes to the woman taking the drug, or the shame of admitting that it didn't go as smoothly as they were told it would.
Aside from that, I was impressed with this documentary. It will enlighten you not only to the deception of the abortion industry (it's not just built on murder, but also on lies), but it will show you clearly the difference in ministry that draws abortion-seeking women to your message and those that repel these women. Women who feel judged will become angry, not repentant.
I found this documentary very helpful and insightful.

Want to see it for yourself? I'm giving one away!

Please leave a comment telling me why you want this DVD and you'll be entered to win!


  1. I read the book and I really want to watch the DVD.

  2. I have read the book too, and I loved it. But I would love the chance to share the basic message with my husband and teen.

    Reading your review made me want to do that even more!

  3. I would love to win a copy of this DVD because I feel that it has a powerful message and I have daughters that I would love to share it with. Thanks- Cheryl-

  4. I haven't read the book (yet), but would love to see the DVD as well. I think if there's any message that would be helpful in approaching or answering women who've had abortions, then I definitely want to know.

  5. I would like this video, because I think it will be a great way to learn about things I don't know about but to also share with others in my life.

  6. I've not heard of this book or movie! I'd like to win so I can educate myself more on this important topic.

  7. I would love to read this so I would be more informed about the industry should my daughter or any other young women ask. Most of us are blissfully ignorant about this and need our eyes opening.

  8. I'd love to reach out more to women that are considering their "options."

  9. I have heard about the book, it is on my list to read, hopefully my library will get it. I hadn't heard there was a DVD but now I want to see it!

  10. I haven't read the book or seen the documentary, but would love too.

    One question, is the documentary graphic with images? I'm still affected by one of the images in another abortion/militant feminism documentary I saw a few years ago. I'd rather skip anything majorly graphic.


  11. No, the documentary was not graphic and I feel the same way. I've seen interviews where Abby Johnson was much more explicit, but not in this documentary.


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