
Monday, May 23, 2011

The Power of Thoughts

I tend to rehearse the negative in my mind. It's what comes naturally to me because I'm a sinner.
I think:

  • He never remembers to brush his teeth. We do it twice a day every single day. Why can't he remember that?
  • She's complaining again! She is always complaining about something!
  • Why does she always get so emotional when she does math? Good grief, it's just math!
  • When is she going to remember the vowel sounds correctly? Why is reading so hard with her?

Here's what I could be thinking on instead:

  • That boy is so precious to me. He's so affectionate and loving!
  • She is so encouraging! It just comes so naturally to her! She's going to be a great mommy one day!
  • I love her sensitive spirit. She's always the first to notice when someone's feeling left out.
  • That girl's tenacity really impresses me. It must be so hard for her, but she just keeps working at it!

As moms, we have a choice: We can focus on the things our kids don't do well and thus think the exact same way as the world: Kids are burdens.
We can focus on the traits God is developing in our kids and thus think the same way the Lord thinks: Children are a blessing, a gift, a reward.

We destroy arguments and every opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ
2 Corinthians 10:5


  1. YES, YES, YES!!! Thank you Ginger, I needed this reminder today. :)


  2. Very true, Ginger! That is a good word!
    Love you!


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