
Monday, August 29, 2011

How Is Saving Money Fun??

When you hear the word "frugal", do you cringe? Does it make you think of cutting back, making do, and living with less? Saving money is FUN!
  • When I bought a $75 Ann Taylor skirt for a mere $3 at the thrift store, that was fun!
  • When we took the whole family out for dinner on "Kids Eat Free" night and spent only $20 for the eight of us, that was fun!
  • When we found an almost-new chest freezer for just $50 on Craigslist, that was really fun!
  • When we borrow DVDs from the library instead of paying for them elsewhere, that savings is fun!
  • When I scored a $30 book for $2 at a used book sale, that was fun!
Frugality is no respecter of persons. Rich and poor alike enjoy the benefits of saving money. This is the beginning of a series of articles about saving money. I hope you enjoy it and learn something along the way!

Have you saved money this week? Tell me about your latest bargain!


  1. My stepdaughter bought an evening gown for an event last week at a resale shop for $10 and she was thrilled! I was thrilled she thought to go there!

  2. It is fun! I love getting a good deal and it sounds like you've been scoring big lately. Kids Eat Free nights are one of my favorites :)

  3. It takes time to save money. I get four Sunday papers, but so far have not made use of the coupons like some do. Maybe you will write about this topic.


  4. Sure! I'll write about it right here. I don't use coupons. ;)

  5. We went to a theme park this week that we had saved our change for a year to buy the tickets. We bought the tickets at our bank early this spring at 15.00 off per ticket and our change covered it all. And then we brought our own food and had a picnic outside of the park. So as far as cash spent at the park.. $4.00 for a family of 7 for one funnel cake :)

  6. We have been to six Flags and Disneyland for nearly free through Read to Succeed and D-land's Give a Day, Get a Day offer. Watching for these deals is the only way we can go, since it would cost hundreds or even a thousand dollars otherwise.

  7. NowInNebraskaAugust 30, 2011

    Loved, loved, loved this post, because, I thrive on being frugal. Shared this with the whole family last night, and my dh said, "You DO thrive on that because it IS fun for you." Our deals come from "shopping local" and not giving in to the urge to run 55 minutes ONE way to a w*lly w*orld. :o) We have a local thrift shop, Ann Taylor, Christopher & Banks, Liz Clayborne, all from $.50 to 6.50. We are blessed to WAIT on the Lord for our needs. He ALWAYS provides them right on time. Sorry I ranted. And, for the record, don't use coupons either. They cost me MORE. Toodles. Loretta S, Hebrews 10:24


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