
Monday, December 5, 2011

Budget Buster - Cold Cereal

Cold cereal is a major budget buster, and unless you have a very slow metabolism one serving will never fill you up. Instead of cold cereal for breakfast, try:
  • oatmeal (or baked oatmeal prepared the night before if convenience is what you love about cold cereal) Try peanut butter in your oatmeal for added protein, blueberries, dried apples, raisins, walnuts or pecans, or just brown sugar and cinnamon.
  • eggs and toast (hard-boiled if you need it quick)
  • fruit and yogurt
  • apple slices with peanut butter
What do you eat for breakfast instead of cold cereal?


  1. I love making meat and veggie omelets with cheese on top.

  2. granola? make your own... a great cold cereal alternative.

  3. Scrambled eggs with or without veggies and one slice of toast. Since my mom always prepared a farmer's breakfast, and all four of us sat down to breakfast together every single day, breakfast is not a meal I'm willing to skip.

  4. It's not a meal I'm willing to ever skip either, although my mom (& stepmom) didn't have that same tradition. ;) I could've eaten granny's bacon every day growing up tho. {sigh}

  5. If none of the children are in the mood for eggs, we often have a green smoothie. Love them! They are good, pure fuel that lasts for hours.

  6. We don't do cereal at all at our house. I didn't grow up on them and I as an adult I could never get used to their cardboard box taste and then I read how little nutritious they actually are.

    Anyway, at our home, we do eggs and whole wheat toast, sometimes waffles, sometimes buckwheat pancakes. Sometimes I cook oatmeal in the crock pot. We don't do the same breakfast every day.

    One thing we do at our house is actually spend time on meals: preparation and eating them. No 10 minutes meals here!!

    We believe at lot of bonding and learning happens at meal times.

    PS... thank you for the book suggestions... I read the Candy Cane book. I had no idea it had so much meaning. :) Also, I am so happy for you that this pregnancy went smoothly. I have a friend that had some of her big health issues turned around just by taking a mineral supplement too. :)

    :) ooooh, I can't wait to see your baby!! I am getting into baby mood too. :)

  7. We love breakfast burritos, pancakes, crepes with fruit and sausage patties and egg on English Muffins. We also like to make waffles and double so we can freeze the extras to pop in the toaster later.


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