
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Summer Menu

After weeks of planning, I began our summer dinner menu two weeks ago and I'm proud to say I'm 12 for 12! WooHoo!! Everyone loves it all. For a family of 10, that's a huge success!

Week 1:

Ukrainian Sandwiches & tortilla chips
Sloppy Joes & Tots

Week 2:
Mexican Lasagna & mixed salad
Muffelettas & fruit salad
Big Breakfast

 We budget to eat out once a week, thus 6 dinners per week. 

Isaac has a new favorite dinner: Sloppy Joes! Anyone who knows him can guess why: it's all MEAT! No broccoli, no green peas for goodness' sake, just beef!! My absolute favorite meal of this menu is the Sensational Summer Salad. You simply must try it! 


  1. Oh, good! I need some new life in my dinner menu. I'd love a new crockpot recipe to try, too. hint,hint!

  2. Is it mean that I am sneaky and add things into my sloppy joes?? You know...pureed carrots or baby spinach :)

  3. Those look so yummy! I am inspired.


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