Friday, July 31, 2009
Signs of Summer
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Parenting & Family Books I Love
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Crazy Love
The title is very telling. "Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God" by Pastor Francis Chan. I really can't recommend this book highly enough. Please run out and get it first chance you get.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Cook Along
Monday, July 27, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
Asking the Hard Questions, pt. 5
Thursday, July 23, 2009
How I Got Here, Part 3
When Elena and Chloe were still preschoolers, my plan was to work part-time while they attended private school. But God changed my heart. He taught me that children truly are a blessing and motherhood is a valuable ministry. I realized that I couldn’t truly disciple my children if they were under the influence of others the majority of their day.
The questions for me then were: What and how am I going to teach them?
At the first homeschool bookfair I attended, I was completely overwhelmed by the number of choices of curricula available. Why do so many people think that a teacher must know everything in order to teach it to someone else? Have they forgotten that their teachers used answer keys to grade their papers? At the private school I attended, I learned almost no fine arts. I could not have explained how Picasso and Van Gogh were different. But with my handy dandy library card, I can teach my kids all about van Gogh’s blue and rose periods and Picasso’s cubism. With the MathUSee dvds, I can teach basic algebra to my 2nd grader. With any number of phonics books, I can follow the scripts and teach my children to be successful readers.
I love that I am learning right along with my kids. All through school, I never understood the point of learning history. It was just a bunch of names and dates and places that had no meaning to me. (Thank you, textbooks.) But I am learning so much about our interesting world history through all the living books I read to my children. Just by pointing out the places we read about in the books we read, I now have excellent geography skills. Homeschooling has given me a second chance at a quality education.
Asking the Hard Questions, pt. 4
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Asking the Hard Questions, pt. 3
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Asking the Hard Questions, pt. 2
Monday, July 20, 2009
Asking the Hard Questions
Does your style of life reflect God's character?
If we say we have fellowship with Him while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. ~1 John 1:6
Friday, July 17, 2009
The Silver Skates
See if your library has them & let me know what you think.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
I Miss You!
The first trimester of this pregnancy was harder than any of my others. And I'm not complaining. I have always had very easy pregnancies, but this one (for me) hasn't been. A couple weeks ago, I got past the "eating day and night" phase. My goodness, that wore me out!! I kept whining: I'm tired, I don't want to eat! But Peanut wouldn't listen. That three inch babe was a glutton, I tell you!
I will get back to my How I Got Here series, just as soon as my mental energy returns. Last week, we started back to schooling full time (we had an extended Half Time due to Peanut's demands) and honestly, I'm pretty mentally taxed by the end of the day. The kids have gotten used to playing games with me in a reclined position and my frequent belching in the middle of our read-alouds. I'll just be glad when I can brush my teeth without gagging!
Talk to you soon!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
How I Got Here, Part 2
Reading The Mission of Motherhood, I understood for the first time that my children are my greatest blessings and there is no higher calling or more important job than raising my disciples. I don't need to leave my house in order to do ministry. Everyday, in the way I serve, teach, and train my children, I am investing in disciples for Christ. This does not mean that our call to evangelize the lost is belittled, but those who say that moms of littles can't do ministry are missing the point entirely.
When I understood that raising my disciples for the Lord Jesus was my most important calling, then my view of working changed completely. Suddenly, I understood what a terrible thing I was doing by allowing others to spend more time and thus have more influence over the children the Lord had given to me.
Having decided that I didn't want to delegate my parenting to someone else, even for a few hours of each day, it wasn't a stretch for me to see that sending my kids off to school each day was to do the same thing. I would once again be delegating my job to someone else, so that they could spend more time, have more influence, and ultimately disciple my children. All so that my children could be taught by "the experts". But experts in what? There is no one more expert on my children than me. I know how they think. I understand their weaknesses and strengths. So my only obstacle was in finding curriculum to teach them. I didn't realize how easy that task would become.
To be continued again. . .
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Go Get This Book
Monday, July 6, 2009
Me Time
I do not need time to myself in order to be a good mother. In fact, selflessness is the whole point of mothering. However, I have nothing against spending some occasional time away from my children. For instance, twice a month I get together with other homeschool moms for coffee and dessert. We all feed our hubbies and kids and then disappear, leaving the daddies in charge of bedtime. You can't convince me that I should feel some type of guilt for leaving my children with their daddy. Most of the time though, I get my social time in while my children are with me. I'll meet with a friend or two and we'll chit chat for a couple of hours while our kids play together. I'm very picky about who I do this with, in order to guard the influence my children are around.
Once a week, we have a date night swap. One week, we babysit; the next week, we have a date. Kyle and I also have frequent home dates, when we send the kids upstairs to play together while we have a date in the living room. We may order out and enjoy our dinner just the two of us or we may just sit and have tea and dessert together. Not even the kids' occasional cries of how much they want to be with us make us feel guilty for our date nights. Our marriage is the most important aspect of our parenting.
I did feel guilty for leaving my children with people I didn't really know in order to go to work though, and I only worked part-time. God has not called me to be the provider for my family. He has called me to be a keeper at home. While my salary gave us more financial freedom, I found it very unfulfilling to be outside God's perfect plan for moms.
-Titus 2:3
Thursday, July 2, 2009
How I Got Here, Part 1
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Which Comes First: The College or the Wedding?
But let's back up to the wedding. I have seen so many young Christians in love who are told to wait until they have finished college before they get married. What do we communicate to our children when we say that? We are letting them know that we place more value on their careers than their marriages. I've been listening to this fantastic sermon by Voddie Baucham. He gives a great analogy for the temptation we put our children in when we devalue marriage. King Solomon fell into sexual sin; King David fell into sexual sin; and Samson fell into sexual sin. Do we really expect our children to stay in a commited relationship for a couple of years while they finish college, when it will require them to be wiser than Solomon , more godly than King David, and stronger than Samson??
The Bible says, "He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord." (Proverbs 18:22) The same favor is not promised to those who postpone marriage to pursue a college degree. Do we teach our children to be temporally-minded when we communicate to them that their degrees are more important than their marriages?