
Thursday, July 16, 2009

I Miss You!

I can not believe I've gone more than a week without blogging! I feel like a new woman! About a month ago I got rid of my BlogHer ads because a couple people said my blog looked like a billboard. And frankly, I wasn't enjoying the pressure to blog almost daily in order to up my little paycheck. Ah the freedom of blogging when I want to and not answering to anyone. But I digress. . .

The first trimester of this pregnancy was harder than any of my others. And I'm not complaining. I have always had very easy pregnancies, but this one (for me) hasn't been. A couple weeks ago, I got past the "eating day and night" phase. My goodness, that wore me out!! I kept whining: I'm tired, I don't want to eat! But Peanut wouldn't listen. That three inch babe was a glutton, I tell you!

I will get back to my How I Got Here series, just as soon as my mental energy returns. Last week, we started back to schooling full time (we had an extended Half Time due to Peanut's demands) and honestly, I'm pretty mentally taxed by the end of the day. The kids have gotten used to playing games with me in a reclined position and my frequent belching in the middle of our read-alouds. I'll just be glad when I can brush my teeth without gagging!

Talk to you soon!


  1. I was beginning to wonder about you, my dear! Glad to hear things are going well and that Peanut, though demanding, is growing well. Actually eating all that nourishment s/he was demanding takes a lot of time out of the day, huh?!

    Chat with me soon and tell me about how you are doing school this year. I'm making a few changes.

  2. Ah....I remember those days. Camden's was my hardest as well. I think it was because I was also tending to my other darlings and was a bit worn out. We'd just finished our school year when we learned we were expecting, otherwise I would've been schooling while reclining, too.

    Looking forward to more updates.

  3. Blessings on you and your precious baby. Praying for you.

  4. Glad to see the ads gone :) I never said anything because I know so many people do it, but now that they are gone, it does look better ;) Plus, right now you definitely don't need the pressure of blogging on schedule.
    I'm so glad that you are feeling better, but I know the energy is still lacking. I can't wait to meet this little Peanut!! Miss you bunches and hope to see you soon!!

  5. Oh, I am so with you on the whole tooth brushing issue. I want to do it with out getting sick.


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