
Wednesday, July 8, 2009

How I Got Here, Part 2

Reading The Mission of Motherhood, I understood for the first time that my children are my greatest blessings and there is no higher calling or more important job than raising my disciples. I don't need to leave my house in order to do ministry. Everyday, in the way I serve, teach, and train my children, I am investing in disciples for Christ. This does not mean that our call to evangelize the lost is belittled, but those who say that moms of littles can't do ministry are missing the point entirely.

When I understood that raising my disciples for the Lord Jesus was my most important calling, then my view of working changed completely. Suddenly, I understood what a terrible thing I was doing by allowing others to spend more time and thus have more influence over the children the Lord had given to me.

Having decided that I didn't want to delegate my parenting to someone else, even for a few hours of each day, it wasn't a stretch for me to see that sending my kids off to school each day was to do the same thing. I would once again be delegating my job to someone else, so that they could spend more time, have more influence, and ultimately disciple my children. All so that my children could be taught by "the experts". But experts in what? There is no one more expert on my children than me. I know how they think. I understand their weaknesses and strengths. So my only obstacle was in finding curriculum to teach them. I didn't realize how easy that task would become.

To be continued again. . .


  1. Oh I love that book! It's a good'n!

  2. Ginger,

    I am just a lurker that picked up reading your blog through other Liberian adoption blogs. I very often appreciate and am provoked by your posts. Could you tell me, do your children stay in church with you during the worship service? If so, how did you train them to sit? I have three 2 year olds and a nine month old. Also, what kind of church do you attend? Ie. Baptist, Presbyterian, Catholic, etc..?

    I don't know if this is the forum to ask you questions, and if not, I apologize. I am desiring to glean from others at this point. I did just order Mission of Motherhood this morning and am looking forward to that.

    You have a softness to you that I know I do not have. I would be militant more than "motherly". I know the Lord is able to do exceeding abundant above all that I ask or think, so I am surrendered to Him in this pruning.

    Thank you for your time,

  3. Amen, and I say it again...AMEN! That is such a precious picture. The prayers of a righteous little woman avail much :)

  4. Loretta,

    We attend a family-integrated church, so yes our children worship w/ us. The kids under 8 have a children's class during the sermon where Desiring God (John Piper) curriculum is taught. We choose for our littles to attend it. Maya & Elena stay w/ us during the sermon. Check my profile page. My hubby and I run the church blog.
    As far as training them to sit, we work on that during our nightly family worship, so it isn't new on Sunday mornings.

    If I have any softness, it is by God's grace and His work in me. I'm naturally a more militant mommy as well. But He's teaching me and changing me. Praise God!

  5. Ginger, this is graceelizabeth from MOMYS. I just wanted to you to know how much I've enjoyed your blog. What you have to say is right on and said with strength and conviction and yet gentleness and grace as well. Keep it up! You are a great encouragement!


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