
Thursday, July 22, 2010

GSE Tutorial

I've blogged many times about our use of GSE. I love it because it's the most powerful natural antibiotic (raw garlic is a close second if you don't mind garlic breath). It kills infection but doesn't cause any of the side effects common to drug antiobiotics.

Here's how to take it:
I give 1 drop per day for a child less than 2 years old.
I give 2 drops per day for a two-year-old.
I give 3 drops per day for a three-year-old.

For children older than three years, follow the dosage on the bottle.

  • Always mix the GSE drops in something sweet. My kiddies all prefer the drops in orange juice. The drops do not taste pleasant. I have heard of moms using apple juice, yogurt, honey, agave nectar, or applesauce.
  • Prevent sickness with GSE. Whenever we have big family plans like a vacation, we all take 1 GSE tablet per day for the week leading up to the big event.
  • GSE drops can also be used to disinfect toothbrushes, clean fruit and vegetables, as a nasal spray to cure or prevent sinus infection, kill infection on the skin, and many more uses. For all of these uses, the GSE will need to be diluted in water.

*DO NOT put GSE drops directly on the skin undilited. It will burn the skin. *


  1. I am SO glad you blogged about this today! We have been using GSE for years now but I've never seen the tablets and would be much more likely to use it regularly with them instead of the drops. Thanks for the heads up!

  2. are you using GSE everyday or just for vacation prevention/illness?

  3. I am currently taking it every day, but the kids only for vacation prevention/illness.

  4. You know I had what the docs *think* might have been staph last year.
    Anyhow, I know that staph is known to be inside ones nose.
    ****I am not saying I got that infection from picking my nose!**** ;)
    But, since learning that, it would be great as a swab for inside the nose!
    I try to catch the children when a finger wanders in that direction, but you know how that goes.
    Thanks for the info!

  5. AnonymousJuly 29, 2010

    I was just singing the praises of this stuff to a friend the other day. I didn't know it came in tablets though, I will need to check that out. The drops do taste *awful*, but I'll drink about anything to get rid of a sore throat naturally. I put the drops in some apple juice, along with some aloe juice, and drink it 3 times a day or so when I feel a sickness coming on. It also helped me get rid of a cold sore super fast the last time. I would have never known about the drops if not for you, so thank you!


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