
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Just So You Know

I have writer's block. I sit down wanting to blog, and nothing. I have two books that I've read and need to review (and I even liked them both), but I'm not in the mood.

I've been completely consumed with reading adoption blogs lately. Several friends of mine are in the process of adopting and I've stumbled upon several amazing adoption blogs. Reading about children being redeemed from a life without hope absolutely makes my day. I love reading the stories of these children who are neglected and treated as worthless, being chosen and redeemed and loved.

It also reminds me of the first year with our adoptees. How many dumb mistakes I made. How ignorant I was. Oh how I wish I could rewind and just snuggle with them and read to them and call that school. Why was I in such a hurry to catch these kids up academically? They needed to know love. They needed to know family. They needed to know Jesus. Not history. Not science. Not math. All that could wait! They needed love.

I have learned so much since our adoption. The ransom we raised to redeem our precious Maya, Isaac, and Daniel, wasn't to free them from a life without schooling. We were freeing them from a life without hope!

If you have adopted, are in the process of adopting, or want to adopt in the future, please stay focused on the goal. The goal is to give these children hope, love, and a family.

Everything else is gravy.



  1. Beautifully expressed! As Don likes to say, "The main thing is to keep the main thing the MAIN thing!" Pretty simple! And your priorities are right on target.

  2. Words of Wisdom. We've adopted and your statements are true. But they are true for our bio babes too. I was reminded of a heavenly focus reading this. God bless you. Loretta, SW Virginia (took my blog down) :o)

  3. Ginger, I just love your blog. I've been meaning to tell you that I come here often for a few seconds of down time and oh.. your posts are timely and speak right to my heart! I've been battling some thought about our future adoption.. I needed to hear this tonight! I miss you! But I love that I can stay in touch through your blog!

  4. I love your heart for children. Too true about the academic focus!! Is the Lord perhaps stirring your heart to adopt again?

  5. Ginger,
    Just wanted you to know that I bought, and am reading, "The Connected Child" that you recommended. It is just what I needed and is helping me with some of our adoption "issues". I only wish I'd read it 4 years ago.

    Thanks for this post. It is such a great reminder - love, family, Jesus -what could possibly be more valuable?

    If you are this interesting and encouraging while blocked...



  6. Hey Ginger

    Have you seen this huge giveaway/fund raiser that is for Olga, Kareen and Peter from Reece's Rainbow?

    I figured you'd be really excited about it!


  7. Yes I have and yes I am. :D


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