Maya, Isaac, and Elena are taking swimming lessons. They started last week and had three lessons. They were all three swimming the length of the pool by the end of the third lesson.

In all fairness, Maya and Isaac already knew how to swim. They were just kinda crazy with it. They kicked their legs like they were having a seizure and got everyone within 10 feet of them soaked. Elena, on the other hand, was afraid to do anything without her ring floatie prior to this.
We are all so proud of her quick progress!

I don't know how often you read my blog, but Lis, you are one fantastic teacher! We're so thankful for you!

I had hoped that peer pressure would effect Chloe and she'd want to learn how to swim by the time the other three finished. So far, it's not looking good.

Daniel, however, is begging to learn now. We told him he could take swimming lessons if Chloe will. There's still a few more days, so we'll see. Lydia will barely put more than a toe in the water, so we've got another year for her.
I love the new look!!! That's a great banner!
OOOHHHHH!! I like the new banner. Now about swimming, that's wonderful they have learned so quickly.
OH Ginger, I LOVE your new banner. Congrats to your kiddos on the success in swimming. That is definately a useful skill to have and enjoy.
I've been reading your lbog for some time and enjoy your whitty writing. :o) I "know" you from MOMYS and I also see your on the AO digest. I always appreciate your input!
Great new look! I'm so thrilled the swim lessons are working out so well. I was really bummed I couldn't help finance them at this time, so indeed grateful you were able to work out a trade. You clever girl!
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