At my midwife appointment last week, we discovered that Baby had flipped and was in the Frank breech position. I went to my Chiropractor on Monday to see if she could release the ligaments around my womb to allow Baby to turn. Midwife came again on Tuesday. Baby hadn't turned yet, so she referred me to a Chiropractor who specializes in the Webster technique - a maneuver that has great success in turning breech babies.
Thankfully, my midwife has a lot of experience with breech deliveries, but we would all still prefer that Baby turn.
So I'm doing several inversions each day to try to turn Baby:
Kyle and I have been struggling with anxiety about this. We are praying for God to be glorified in the safe delivery of this baby, regardless of which part comes out first. ;)
Please also pray that we will remember that God is sovereign and we can trust Him.
Adding this to my prayers.
Ginger~I have added you to my prayer list...
Praying! 35 days is plenty of time for baby to turn.
Of course! I will be praying.
Ginger, we will be praying that Baby will turn completely around to the correct position any time between now and birth day for a safe delivery without any complications. Praying for your peace and security, resting faithfully in the knowledge that our Savior reigns supreme!
Praying for you my friend!
Oh, praying! This seems to be a season for pregnancy complications. There's still PLENTY of time for baby to turn.
Yes, I've heard of many babies who turned in labor! And given the small stature of Clark babies, that's a real possibility. ha!
Ginger, my last pregnancy my baby was breech, very different from all the previous 3 (they all behaved pretty well and were positioned early on to be born.) Not my last baby! I worried too. I had dreams. I checked videos on the internet how to birth a breech baby. My DH kept praying and my chiropractor kept telling me to relax that baby turns when he/she is ready to be born. Well, what do you know!!! She turned the week she was to be born.
Who can add an inch to their height by worrying? who can turn a baby by worrying?? relax!!! LOL Trust the Lord.
Hope your baby turns-but please seek the necessary medical intervention if this precious bundle doesn't.
Anonymous, please reread the post. We have & will.
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