Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Book Review: Your Money God's Way

I received Your Money God's Way from Thomas Nelson to review. I was surprisingly impressed with this book. The scriptures she quotes fly in the face of all the bad financial concepts so many professing Christians hold. According to the author, Christians make more financial mistakes than the rest of the population, which is because so many "counterfeit convictions" are taught in place of sound biblical principles. When we enable family members who consistently make bad financial decisions, that's not ministry. That's unwise. Taking great financial risks and calling it great faith is ignorant, not spiritual. Treating God like an ATM may be "prosperity theology"; but it's not correct theology at all. The subtitle tells you what to expect: "Overcoming the 7 money myths that keep Christians broke".
Dave Ramsey calls the message of this book "common sense and biblical wisdom". I couldn't agree more.

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