Julia's has a very consistent schedule. Here's what life has looked like the past couple of months:
Friday, July 30, 2010
What Our Days Look Like
Julia's has a very consistent schedule. Here's what life has looked like the past couple of months:
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Book Review: Beyond Opinion

The book is a compilation of essays regarding Christian apologetics, topics ranging from atheism to science to Islam, Hinduism and other cultural challenges. It was written by well known apologist Ravi Zacharias and other members of the Ravi Zacharias International Ministries team.
Beyond Opinion will equip the reader to “give a make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you” (1 Peter 3:15), spiritually and relationally. This book masterfully creates the Christian argument with gentle loving logic. The length of the book and small font intimated me, I won’t lie, but it is not intended to be read in its entirety at one time. That said, I found it delightfully engaging; a great go-to book for apologetics and evangelism.
I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers to review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010
I'm a Hypocrite

Blessed Are the Feet. . .
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
A New Old One
Monday, July 26, 2010
A Rare Ocassion

Chloe looked up at her and said: Yes, our next door neighbor is having a baby girl.
The cashier replied: Oh how wonderful. Well maybe soon you'll have someone to play with!
I couldn't stop myself from giggling. I said: Oh, she has plenty of playmates. She's one of eight.
The customer who was just leaving smiled at me and said: That is a gift from God. What a miracle!
Deadpan look from the cashier as she asked: You have eight children?
I said: Yes, I am really blessed.
Just then, a customer two places behind me peered her head out of the line and said: THAT'S RIGHT! I have five kids and they ARE a blessing!
That just made my day.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Thursday, July 22, 2010
GSE Tutorial

- Always mix the GSE drops in something sweet. My kiddies all prefer the drops in orange juice. The drops do not taste pleasant. I have heard of moms using apple juice, yogurt, honey, agave nectar, or applesauce.
- Prevent sickness with GSE. Whenever we have big family plans like a vacation, we all take 1 GSE tablet per day for the week leading up to the big event.
- GSE drops can also be used to disinfect toothbrushes, clean fruit and vegetables, as a nasal spray to cure or prevent sinus infection, kill infection on the skin, and many more uses. For all of these uses, the GSE will need to be diluted in water.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
I Am Done With Crayons

Colored pencils! If they get dull, you sharpen them. They don't melt. And if they break, then the child to blame can buy a new set. ;)
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
Medicating Babies

Friday, July 16, 2010
I Tried to Make Chicken Broth

Thursday, July 15, 2010
What Are They Preaching at Your Family Integrated Church?

I just read this timely article, written by Scott Brown, the director of the National Center for Family- Integrated Churches:
Family integrated churches are simultaneously popping up all over the country without any one individual leading the movement. I believe that this is a providential moving of the Holy Spirit. He is igniting a desire to reform the church by recovering the biblical order for both the church and the home. He is actually moving to reverse the family-destroying elements that have grown up in the church.
This is wonderful.
All wonderfulness aside, my greatest concern for family integrated churches is that they are God-centered, Word-saturated, Christ-exalting churches. If the family becomes the center of the church, we might as well close up shop now and cut our losses, because if we do not fill the church with the Word of the Head of the church, we will have not only wasted our time, we will have marred the bride of Christ. This is why it bothers me when I hear people say, “We are looking for a family centered church,” or ask, “Is there a family based church in my area?” These questions reveal a misunderstanding of the church and the Christian life.
It is critical, therefore, that family integrated churches have a big focus on preaching the Word of God.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
The Pendulum is Swinging Too Far

Monday, July 12, 2010
Thumb Sucker
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Some days I have perspective and I look at all they've accomplished and how far they've come. But other days, I only see how far we still have to go and I get discouraged. It's overwhelming on those days. Kyle said it's like that man who was swimming the English channel on a foggy day. He couldn't see the coast and he gave up when he was just a few yards from land. He's so right. It feels like that. I only know that I'm plugging away, but I don't know where we'll end up. Maybe one day, reading will just click and they'll take off. But it might not. And I have to be prepared for that.
Earlier this week, Maya was having a lot of trouble with place value in her math lesson. I figured out a different way to teach it to her and I was so proud. It worked! She understood! She completed her math sheet with ease. Then she did the same thing yesterday and was so proud of herself. Then today she forgot all about the new method and got half of the problems wrong.
Today is one of my discouraged days.
Monday, July 5, 2010
If I Could Do It Over